Sponsor a Child in Need...
Your donation will empower and provide opportunities for children in need.
Help Life
Choose a particular product
which is needed towards the
Children's Home and shop with the purpose of making a donation
Be part of 'The Both Hands'
Project, looking into the renovations,
clean ups, maintenance & immediate
requirements of the Home
Celebrate Together
Purchase a Meal for the Children or celebrate your birthday at the Children's Home
Give thoughtfully
Help meet material needs of a child who is 'aging out' of the Children's Home.
How can you help?
You can help in uplifting their lives with your donations, which will be utilized for Food & Education for these children.
KRCSCT respects the family as the safest and best place for a child. If there are no alternative options for a child KRCSCT will offer high Standard care to the referred child.
Your donation enables to reach their true potential; Together we can make sure that no child is forgotten…
You can Sponsor a child on a monthly basis Which would cover up their Monthly expenses for Meals, Clothing, Schooling & Other needs
Our Goal: Find Sponsorships for 20 More Children
To make donation proceed to donations page and enter your details.
One of our customer care agents will contact you soon.