About us
Message from Chairperson
The King’s Revival Children Support Centre Trust Fund (KRCSCTF) was birthed in 2005 and is located in Uswetakeiyawa. It is home to 20 children who are provided education and life skills in an environment of love and security to realize their dreams and be valuable citizens to our nation.
However, lately, especially after the COVID 19 pandemic, we have been struggling to meet the basic needs of the children.
At the inception, we were supported by regular from the UAE and the parts of the world. However, now we are really in dire need to cover the running expenses.
We cannot even contemplate closing down the Home as the children are fearful of returning to their families, scarred from the abuse they had previously experienced in their family homes. Therefore, we must find a way to keep running, and require your generous support to do so.
We urge you to take a step in making a lifechanging impact on the lives of these children through your generous donations.
With sincere thanks,
Dawn Fernando
We want to help more Children
Every now and again we hear horrifying stories of little children who have been victims of abuse, sometimes by their own family or known elders. As the statistics for child abuse is on the rise, it is clear that this is an island wide crisis that immediate attention.
Currently, our Home consists of 20 children between the ages 8-18; 7 boys and 13 girls whose every needed is taken care of, reliant on the contributions of donors. Our permitted capacity is for 15 girls & 15 boys but we are hoping for an extension to take more children under our care.
Children Are Our Future; Family Is Who We Are!!"
We are a Government Certified Organization
As we are a Government Certified Organization (Registration No: WP/PCCS/S01/GAM/38), the King’s Revival Support Centre located in Uswatekeiyawa has been home to such victims of abuse since our inception in October 2005. At our Children’s Home, we provide them a safe haven and an environment of kindness and love which facilitates a process of rehabilitation from the suffered trauma, accompanied with the skills and tools necessary to be good citizens in society.
Apart from providing primary education, we try our very best to better equip them with vocational training programmes according to their preferences and abilities, which has resulted in many of the children growing up to take useful occupations of welders, salesmen, dressmakers, factory supervisors and bakers. With the support we have received throughout the past, we have successfully seen through two batches of children who surpassed the age of 18 who were enabled to be self-sufficient by providing opportunities of additional courses and classes after their primary education. We are also proud to say that, three of our children moved out, got married and are living beautiful lives. These stories encourage us to strife to do more for the children of our country.
We aim to provide the children with adequate care and equal treatment which would not be possible without the generous contributions of our donors. We would love to extend a warm invitation to come and see the Children’s Home and visit the children so that they know that you will be the instrument of love upon their lives.
If you think poverty means only a lack of food, clean water or education – you might expand that definition to include love...